Thursday, February 7, 2019


A info-graphic is a representation of  data that is designed to be presented quickly and effectively

 Example of a info-graphic

Monday, February 4, 2019

what i know and want to learn

Things i know on a computer -I know how to use most office programs
-I know how to make new folders
-I know how to download stuff off the internet

Stuff I want to learn on a computer -I want to learn how to use photoshop
-I want to learn how to animate stuff
-I want to learn basic coding

how computers will fit into my future -jobs are requiring people to have computer knowledge
more and more
-Some better jobs require computer knowledge
-Everyday things are starting to be done on computers more

Friday, February 1, 2019

moon landing

Russia admited that the usa got to the moon first                
the reflectors that were put on the moon are still their                                                                                    
they have rocks that are from the moon                   

 Why the moon landing could not have been faked

the flag planted moved when their is no wind in space

their are no stars in the sky

the shadows are at different angles